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Mortgage News, Tips and Resources

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couple looking over finances on laptop
July 18 2020

Why Refinancing is the Silver Lining To Hard Times

Refinancing during a crisis can save money and provide a jolt of extra cash, so you can worry less about your finances.

Can you buy a home during covid-19
April 24 2020

Can You Buy A Home During The Coronavirus Pandemic?

Home purchases are possible during the coronavirus pandemic, but some processes have been dramatically altered.

black couple renovating home
April 17 2020

What Are The Best Home Improvement Loans?

Home equity loans, FHA 203(k), Fannie Mae HomeStyle™, and Freddie Mac Renovation Mortgage provide a financial assist when it’s time to renovate.

Couple looks over refinancing paperwork for mortgage
March 27 2020

Is Now A Good Time To Refinance?

The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic continues to alter everyday life. But what does it mean for mortgage refinancing efforts?

What The Fed’s Emergency Rate Cut Means For Mortgages
March 20 2020

What The Fed’s Emergency Rate Cut Means For Mortgages

The coronavirus pandemic has thrust the economy into a moment-by-moment state of flux. What does the current climate mean for your mortgage?

Senior Couple looks over bills happily
March 18 2020

Reverse Mortgages Are Making A Big Comeback

Reverse mortgages, or Home Equity Conversion Mortgages, have evolved greatly over the years.

City scape of Brooklyn Bridge at sunset
March 10 2020

Best Neighborhoods To Live In Brooklyn

Brooklyn is known for its trendy neighborhoods, but where’s the best places to live in this New York City borough?

black and asian woman shaking hands on a mortgage agreement
March 04 2020

Can You Buy A House With Student Loan Debt?

Student loan debt can be an obstacle, but diligently managing your debt, along with other factors, can put you on the path toward homeownership.

interracial couple shaking hands with a mortgage loan officer
February 26 2020

How To Get Pre-Approved For A Mortgage

The mortgage loan pre-approval process can be arduous when you don’t know what to expect.

city port view of baltimore harbor
February 07 2020

10 Best Baltimore Neighborhoods To Live In

When looking for a place to live, Baltimore’s suburbs defy expectations.

January 23 2020

What Items Make Up Closing Costs?

Closings costs are required part of the mortgage loan process.

December 13 2019

Do I Need a Home Appraisal?

Yes, it’s important to obtain a home appraisal when considering purchasing a property because this provides an unbiased, professional assessment of its value.

October 25 2019

Guide to Shopping for a Mortgage

Determining you’re ready to buy a home, connecting with a knowledgeable real estate agent, paying attention to interest rates, and learning about the different loans available are critical steps in shopping for a mortgage.

September 09 2019

Beginner’s Guide to Finding a VA-Approved Condo

To find a VA-approved condo, ensure you qualify, determine via the department's website whether the condo is approved, and consider contacting a reputable mortgage lender for guidance.

Moving Day Calendar_66145956
August 29 2019

5 Tips for Moving into a New House

5 helpful tips to remember when you are moving into a new home.

August 15 2019

How to Refinance a Mortgage With a Low Income

The first step for low-income home buyers interested in refinancing their mortgage is to consult with a trusted lending company to find out what they need to qualify.

Blog Post - 7 Imporant items to buy for your new home
August 08 2019

7 Important Items To Buy For Your New Home

7 Important items that will help you when you move into your first home.

July 23 2019

What Are FHA Flipping Rules?

FHA flipping rules regulate the buying and selling of homes for profit, and include transfer and resale timelines and documentation.

July 08 2019

11 House Down Payment Savings Tips

Adhering to goals, improving your credit, researching loan options and cutting unnecessary expenses are several ways to save for a down payment, among others.

June 24 2019

Refinancing a Reverse Mortgage

Refinancing a reverse mortgage may possess several significant benefits for homeowners 62 or older, including lower interest rates or higher loan limits.

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